Wow where is azurebreeze coast
For the items auction, there are some that have accompanying artwork. Some of these are outfits with their own outfit designs and there are RULES accompanying these outfits It belongs to the winner. The outfit designs are fitted to blank models, which will be adjusted to reflect the character who it has been won for. This means the addition of hair, facial features and any scars that may be on display. It does NOT mean changing the body type entirely. The auction will be split in 2 parts- 1 containing items, 1 containing artisanry vouchers!
The first part will also be split in 2 parts! Inbetween auction 1,2 and 2,3 there will be a 15 minutes break, during which any artisans can come up and promote their own business!
Below is a handful of caps that you can choose from, deciding whether or not your character can afford it! You know for yourself in which category your character belongs! Rising up to the challenge of Anistiaaaaa! And what a beautiful morning it is! If you have signed up, please ensure you are around from server time onwards, so that we can start promptly and ensure that everyone who has signed up is attending.
Note that Thalassian Skyguard will be running a couple of stalls alongside this in the same area! Keep in mind I am not in any guild. Perfection Chefs kiss I am looking forward to another wonderfull night, with a lot of guests who put a smile on our faces simply by swinging by!
The slot are sadly all filled, but I can put you on the reserve list if you want! Your name would be third on the list. Hello and good morning! So what can you expect from us tonight? Did you know that the Reliquary Institute hosts lectures every Thursday on various subjects? The only rule is that you must pass through these checkpoints before returning to the bridge to complete the race!
It feels like this week has flown by. Never fear though, tonight is a night for charging hawkstriders and horses, lances, and hilarity!
If you have signed up to take part, please try to be on from so that we can start as promptly as possible! Thank you, and I hope to see you all there tonight! Hello hello, and good morning! From here, the pilgrimage will lead us to the shore, where we will begin the Closing Ceremony that will finish with a fantastic firework display! I want to thank everyone who attended at any point during the Festival! The threat seems to be contained south of our lands. I am planning on being on the Azurebreeze Coast beach this Saturday at 4pm server.
If anyone else wants to be there, you are more than welcome! We need more events like these, I feel. Where we just all agree to be in the same area on the same day. Makes the world feel more immersive. Edit; Oh, I see. Skipped over where you thought of that. No one has replied to that request yet, but it would be great to have some vendors there: hot dogs, ice cream, drinks…. If you decide to make this a monthly thing, let me know.
I can bring over my bartending character or the pitmaster one that I have another time. Doesnt have to be a monthly beach day either. Could be different thing every month.
Market event, whatever.