Active duty what does it mean

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We and our partners process data to: Actively scan device characteristics for identification. I Accept Show Purposes. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Careers Career Advice. Key Takeaways Active duty is full-time service in the U. Reserve-duty service members have much more say in where they live and what kind of work they do full time than active-duty service members do.

Both types of service members may be deployed, but the chance is greater for those on active duty. Active-duty service members earn full-time pay and full benefits. Reserve-duty service members earn part-time pay and partial benefits.

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If a potential defendant is on active duty full time in the military, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act protects them against certain court actions without a court order.

While these protections are helpful to those in full-time active duty military service, they do not exempt them from paying their debts. Thus, as a creditor, you have the right to seek restitution from those in full-time military service, but you must follow the federal law in order to stay in compliance with the SCRA. Proceeding with a case against a full time active military member without a court order is a violation of the SCRA.

Penalties for violating the SCRA include fines, restitution and even jail time. This term comes from the military, where it stands in opposition to reserve , which refers to troops still in the military but not actively engaged. It is occasionally transferred to civilian matters as well.

New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for active duty on Thesaurus. Sample 3. Active Duty Military means full- time duty status in the active uniformed service of the. Active Duty Military means full- time duty in the active military service of the United States.

Such term includes full-time training duty, annual training duty, and attendance , while in the active military service, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the secretary of the military department concerned.


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