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Please package the product carefully in its original. Whynter is not responsible for damage resulting from shipper mishandling or. Please retain the original box and packaging materials. The warranty, product contents and specifications are subject to change at any time without notice; please refer to. Please retain the original proof of purchase. To register your warranty, please visit www. Warranty Registration form. Please be sure to include a copy of your purchase invoice. To obtain service or information, contact Whynter LLC via email at.
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Portable and easy to set up, these portable air conditioners offer cooling relief for any area where excess humidity and heat cannot be remedied by traditional air conditioning. Exhaust Vent with 5. Only registered users can write reviews. Please log in or register. YES NO. This product is not Fulfilled by Ubuy and can take minimum 10 days in delivery. We might cancel the product from the order and refund you if any issue arise with the delivery of this product.
Availability In stock. Add to cart. Note: Electronic products sold in US store operate on volts, a step-down power converter is required for the smooth device function. It is mandatory to know the wattage of the device in order to choose the appropriate power converter. Recommended power converters Buy Now. Call customer service. Customer Service: Whynter Email: Customer Service. Whynter Website: whynter.
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