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If he didn't want to be famous make some forward looking unpopular music. I think he wanted the fame,but was too sensitive to cope with it, and felt the hypocrisy of his message rather too much. Career suicide rather than actual suicide was the answer. Make Metal Machine Music 2 would have fixed it. Sorry Kurt. I finally had a chance to see Daniel play live in New Orleans recently.
He's in pretty rough shape but he was really belting out those lyrics. One may be a genius artist or intellectual, but still can barely tie his shoes without assistance, as I know too well.
State-hired shrinks may offer many clinical diagnoses, but they often come down to semantics. But this distinction is often elided, smoothed over, by the dominant media and healthcare industries.
Such a conflation can have disastrous consequences for the patient so diagnosed. Stan December 20, at PM. EnjoysMath September 29, at PM. Daniel Biggs January 7, at AM. Newer Post Older Post Home. Forgot your password? Get help. LIVE music blog. Ward Masonic Lodge, Hollywood Forever 2. Latest News. Latest Features. My 25 Favorite Tracks of Contact us if you want to contribute, advertise, or hang out at Shakedown! Contact us: [email protected].