How long groin injury
Acute groin injuries usually occur in conjunction with shooting on goal, changes in direction, and tackles. A groin strain usually causes pain in that area. If it is a severe injury, pain might also be experienced on the inside of the thigh. Pain returns if the athlete continues the activity. There may also be swelling in the injured area, and in some cases bruising. This usually occurs two or three days after the incident.
Paradoxically, a total rupture where the muscles are completely torn can cause a lower degree of pain than a less severe injury. It is with a total rupture that bruising usually occurs. A doctor or a physiotherapist will confirm the diagnosis based on a description of the events leading to the injury, as well as signs and symptoms.
The examiner can also check for pain by applying pressure to the injured area. Pain may also usually be felt when the musculature in the groin is tensed against resistance, and the injured person will have a reduced amount of strength. Imaging techniques such as MRI and ultrasound can also be useful in determining the extent of the injury, but a clinical examination is usually sufficient. Having sustained a previous injury in the groin increases the risk of a groin strain.
Other factors that increase the risk are a loss of strength and lacking sports specific training. A sports hernia may affect the same area of the groin in competitive athletes. Infections may cause a lump, bumps, or swelling in the groin area.
Glands lymph nodes in the groin may become enlarged and painful when there is an infection in the groin area. If the infection is minor, the swelling may last a few days and go away on its own. Rashes in the groin area have many causes , such as ringworm or yeast. Most rashes can be treated at home. When a child develops groin pain, the pain may be caused by a problem with the upper part of the thighbone head of the femur or the hip.
Common causes of groin pain, knee pain referred pain from the hip , or limping include:. Check your symptoms to decide if and when you should see a doctor.
Many things can affect how your body responds to a symptom and what kind of care you may need. These include:. You have answered all the questions. Based on your answers, you may be able to take care of this problem at home.
Certain health conditions and medicines weaken the immune system's ability to fight off infection and illness. Some examples in adults are:.
Based on your answers, you may need care right away. The problem is likely to get worse without medical care. Based on your answers, you may need care soon. The problem probably will not get better without medical care. Home treatment measures can help relieve pain, swelling, and bruising and promote healing after a groin injury.
These home treatment measures also may be helpful for noninjury problems. But if you think you may have a more severe injury, use first aid measures while you arrange to be checked by your doctor. It may take 4 to 6 weeks or longer for a minor groin injury to heal. Stretching and strengthening exercises will help you gradually return to your normal activities.
Stretching exercises begin with range-of-motion exercises. These are controlled stretches that prevent stiffness and tendon shortening. Gently bend, straighten, and rotate your leg and hip. If you have increasing pain, slow down or stop the exercises.
You may do strengthening exercises with light weights, such as ankle weights, after the pain has decreased and your flexibility has improved.
Non—weight-bearing activities, such as swimming or cycling, may be helpful depending on the seriousness of your injury. A sports medicine health professional or trainer can advise you about fitness activities. Talk to your child's doctor before switching back and forth between doses of acetaminophen and ibuprofen.
When you switch between two medicines, there is a chance your child will get too much medicine. Call your doctor if any of the following occur during home treatment:. You can take measures to reduce your risk of becoming infected with a sexually transmitted infection STI. You can also reduce the risk of transmitting an STI to your sex partner. Know high-risk behaviors and the symptoms of STIs , and do not have sex with anyone who has these symptoms.
Condom use may reduce the risk of becoming infected with an STI. Condoms must be put on before beginning any sexual contact. Use condoms with a new partner. Try the following things to prevent jock itch fungal infection of the skin in the groin or yeast infection cutaneous candidiasis :. To prepare for your appointment, see the topic Making the Most of Your Appointment. You can help your doctor diagnose and treat your condition by being prepared to answer the following questions.
If you have a rash, do not have sexual contact or activity until you are seen by your doctor. This will reduce the risk of transmitting a possible infection to your sex partner. If you do have an STI, your sex partner or partners may need to be evaluated and treated also. Blahd Jr. Author: Healthwise Staff.
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Updated visitor guidelines. You are here Home » Groin Problems and Injuries. Topic Overview You may have had a minor groin problem at one time or another. Groin injuries most commonly occur during: Sports or recreational activities, such as ice hockey, cross-country skiing, basketball, and soccer. Work-related activities. Work or projects around the home. Motor vehicle accidents. Groin injury An acute injury may occur from a direct blow, a stabbing injury, a fall, or from the leg being turned in an abnormal position.
Overuse may cause: A hairline crack in a bone stress fracture. Osteitis pubis, which is a condition that causes chronic groin pain because of stress on the pubis symphysis. Distance runners and soccer players are most likely to be affected. Hip problems. Avulsion fractures. This occurs when force causes a tendon or ligament to tear away from a bone and break off a piece of bone. It most commonly affects teenage athletes who are involved in jumping, kicking, sprinting, or hurdling sports.
Other causes of groin problems Groin pain not caused by an injury to the groin may be coming from other parts of the body. Rashes Rashes in the groin area have many causes , such as ringworm or yeast. Intense physical activity may need to be avoided for weeks or months. Pain can range from a dull ache to sharp pain. The pain will often be worse when walking or moving the leg. A person may also experience spasms in the inner thigh muscles. Muscles that move a part of the body, such as a leg or arm, are known as adductor muscles.
Groin strain affects the adductor muscles in the inner thigh. A groin strain is usually a muscle tear from an awkward or sudden movement.
It often affects people who play active and competitive, physical sports. Groin strain can be diagnosed by a doctor or a physical therapist. They will usually ask some questions to find out more about symptoms and how the injury was caused.
A medical professional will need to know what activity a person was doing when they first felt the pain. They will also ask an individual if they:. The appointment will usually include a physical examination. This is likely to involve feeling the muscle and gently moving the leg. In some cases, more tests may be needed. These could include an X-ray or MRI scan to check that there is no other damage to the leg or pelvis.
Groin strain should be treated quickly, ideally in the first 24 to 48 hours after the injury. This is to reduce swelling and bleeding and to ease pain in the area. A person will often be advised to rest their leg. Needing to change direction frequently is also a risk factor. The most common athletes to get groin strain are soccer players and ice hockey players.
However, athletes in many sports can be at risk. This includes basketball, football, rugby, skating, tennis, and martial arts. Among athletes who play these sports, an additional risk factor is how much they practice during offseason. This puts them more at risk of injuries if they begin training without taking the time to build up their muscle strength and flexibility. Previous groin strain is another risk factor, since the muscle is weakened from a previous injury.
A study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine also found that having a low range of motion in the hip joint is a risk factor for groin strain. The best way to prevent groin strain is to avoid using the adductor muscle without proper training and preparation. Continue training throughout the year if possible.
If you take a break from training, work back up gradually to your former level of activity to avoid straining muscles.
In general, you can gauge the level of your recovery by your level of pain. As your adductor muscle is recovering, avoid activities that involve pain. Resume activities gradually. This will enable your muscle to heal fully and prevent you from developing a recurrent groin strain injury.
The length of time you need to recover will also depend on your level of fitness before the injury. Learn about exercises you can use to rehabilitate a torn, strained, or sore groin muscle.