How many clap components

Definition: A clap switch is an electronic circuit, which controls electrical appliances like a bulb, tube lights, etc with user clapping action.

It is mainly useful for a person who cannot move his legs. The clap switch circuit can be designed in two ways using IC and without using a IC. It is similar to an oscillator like monostable, which has only one stable state. It gets back to its original state when an external clock pulse is given to a monostable oscillator. Similarly, when timer generates an oscillating wave at output pin 3 it enters a stable state, in order to get back to its normal an external trigger is applied.

On receiving an external clock signal it turns ON say all together 10 lights all the lights in a sequential manner. It consists of input pins 3 in number and output pins 10 in number and a GND — ground pin as shown below.

Assume a human standing closer to the mic and clapping. Resistor R1 and capacitor C1 restrict the circuit frequency to high sensitivity range of 3kHz. When the MK1 microphone gets a control signal clap or any other similar sound , The amplified negative square wave and negative pulse enters to the base of transistor Q3 through diode D1 after differentiation process.

To use other external control devices and equipment, J1 Cable terminal can be used for this purpose. J1 and relay can be connected to control other appliances by clap or sound control system. Keep in mind that a reverse diode should be connected at the end of the relay to perform this operation. Related Basic Electronic Projects:. I need help for this circuit. I have tried using 2N, C and BC all with no success.

Can anyone help? I would be most grateful. Kind regards, James. Also tell me what is the voltage at output pin of NE And what will be the max output current. Thumbs up for you… y. D is On on clap but not Off by clap… How can i fix this plz help. I need this cirite but i tried it for 5 times on my bread board and bought its commbounts for 5 times!!

And its not working olease help me please. I implemented this circuit on a breadboard. When I clap near the microphone, the L. D turns on for nearly 6 seconds and then, turns off automatically. I want to make it work like a real clap switch. For example: the L. D turns on the clap and turns off on a clap. Please can help me in figuring this one out. What an interesting project where i can connect and work out.

Am doing a project on a clap switch please send for me more of the literature review about this field. I am WAY too addicted to this game. Pingback: When the timing is right, a fetch quest is pure delight Grinding Down. ANY Claptraps drop the parts Same with undead so they can be done concurrently with the main missions.

Im sorry to inform you that you did it wrong and wasted your time. These missions are intended to be completed as you progress through the dlc and kill the claptraps to andvance.

Seeing all the motherboards, gears and wires is really ticking me off. Is there a way to make them disappear? You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account.

Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Grinding Down. Skip to content. Head down to the Hyperion Dump and search the scrapped claptraps for parts and bring them back to her.

A few more parts should fix that! Good, good. Tremble in fear at the might of Tannis and her fearsome…what is this thing, anyway? You suck. Rate this:. Please help share this: Facebook Twitter Reddit Email. Like this: Like Loading


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