How tall should pool table be

Last night for league I played at a poolhall I've never been to before. The tables must have been at least a few inches lower than normal. After about 10 minutes at the table, I started having lower back pain, which I haven't had in a while from playing pool I usually get upper-mid back pain.

I asked the home team if the tables are shorter, and they said yes, but didn't know by how much. Does anyone know what the average height is for a standard brunswick gold crown, or any common 9footer from the floor to the top of the rail? Thanks in advance. Snapshot9 son of 3 leg 1 eye dog..

Silver Member. I believe They are 32" high playing surface height. Don't forget adjustable legs. Last edited: Apr 5, Click to expand These differ for the major billiard games, but there is really nothing stopping table owners from adjusting their tables higher or lower than is specified. Pool tables at tournaments follow the guidelines set by their specific organization. Some tables have adjustable legs and table manufacturers often make tables of different heights upon request.

A common question about table height is whether the different size tables are different heights. The answer: It depends. But the process of leveling that table or bringing it to a comfortable height for the owner may make it slightly taller or shorter than other tables. Unlike pool tables, snooker tables are typically measured from the floor to the top of the cushion.

This makes things a little easier on the measurer. Carom tables are measured using the playing surface. Their height range is close enough to that of a pool table so as to not be noticeable during play. How big is a regulation pool table? Or what are the dimensions of a professional size pool table? See the below dimensions:.

These tables are designed for very skilled pool players because of the larger size and greater challenge they offer. Again, the below dimensions represent a regulation pool table or professional size pool table:. See the below video for more info on how to measure a pool table and to choose the right pool table size:. You need to know the differences between American pool tables and British pool tables.

Basically, American-style pool tables are bigger than British pool tables. American-style tables also offer higher speeds because they have pointed cushions and napless nylon covers. Aside from being smaller, British pool tables are covered with a woolen cloth and are designed for strategic and slower-paced games. British types are the most suitable for small homes, while the American types are great centerpieces for game rooms.

The length of most types of British pool tables ranges from 6 ft. They are appropriate for game rooms of smaller homes, where there is not much space available for cueing.

If you have a bigger space in your home, you can opt for larger American pool tables. American pool tables are typically bigger, with some as long as 9 feet. The smallest 7 feet of the American type is actually bigger than the 7 feet of the British type. Gameplay in American pool tables is exciting and fast, with plenty of ricochets and rebounds. Such gameplay requires a bigger table surface playing field.

In American pool tables, everything is bigger — from the balls to the pockets. Gameplay in British pool tables is more deliberate, calm, and strategic — aptly characterized by their favorite eight-ball game. Nearly all pool tables in the U. There are some important factors that you need to consider when choosing the right pool table size.

Tables like these are always more than reliable for you to enjoy a game of pool. Check out these different cheap pool tables and decide which one is right for you. MDF pool tables come with the benefit of being cheaper and lighter than slate bed tables , but at the cost of longevity and play quality.

They also do not fare well in humid environments, as this can cause swelling or warping of the wood. Depending on the exact size and model, a slate top pool table can weigh between and 1, pounds. Their weight is primarily determined by their size and in particular, how many slates they have. Each slate weighs from lbs to lbs , and most pool tables have 3 of them. How tall is a pool table from the floor? Category: sports snooker and pool and billiards. From floor to playing surface.

This measurement represents the distance between the floor and the table bed of the pool table.


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