Magic how much land should be in a deck

Some, like Street Wraith, will never be cast and will always cycle for 2 life, so it will can count as 0 rather than 5 cmc. A deck with an average CMC of 1. If you see your CMC get closer and closer to 1, you can consider running fewer lands by going down 1 or 2 but rarely going below With a higher CMC of 2, 23 lands. For example, I will determine the probability of hitting 4 lands by turn 4 under a certain mulligan strategy.

The second method is a linear regression between the number of lands and the average converted mana costs in recent top-performing decks. I sprinkled in some random thoughts and observations throughout. To determine the probability of hitting your 4th land drop, I will assume the following mulligan strategy:. In my experience, this strategy is reasonable for a wide range of decks.

You may want to keep that in mind when interpreting the eventual results. But I decided to keep things simple by enforcing the same mulligan strategy for every type of deck—this makes it easier to compare the numbers for different land counts. Given a card deck with a given number of lands, I started by determining the probability of keeping any opening hand with a certain number of cards and a certain number of lands.

These are basic hypergeometric probabilities, multiplied for hands of 6 cards or fewer by the probability of taking a mulligan down to that many cards under the above-described mulligan strategy. Naturally, the resulting probabilities over all opening hand sizes and all land counts sum up to one. This calculation is also fairly straightforward, but I need to be a little more careful in distinguishing all the cases. The first couple of columns contain two percentages: The first refers to the probability when you are on the draw, and the second refers to the probability when you are on the play.

This is only one way to represent mana flood, but it gives at least some indication. Consider a deck that needs at least 3 lands to function that would like to play Gideon, Ally of Zendikar on turn 4, and that contains several copies of Archangel Avacyn.

According to the table, you will almost always The probability of hitting 4 lands by turn 4 is sufficient: The numbers for 17 lands in Limited are similar to the ones for 25 lands in Standard. For sure.

On the play, you need 26 lands to achieve this. On the draw, you only need 23 lands. Can you sideboard lands?

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