Plasterboard which way up
We had an engineer out to site once We had to pva. So we never pvad and told her we did. This is all highly amusing If this is a genuine post my advice is to examine the board , in particular the folded edges , for hollow contact The paper joins that overlap from front and back wraps are not always glued together suficiently and delaminate when skimmed , Yerrrr welcome.
I wouldn't be willing to take a wage from skimming dodgy boarding - you'll be implicitly assuming partial responsibility if it all goes wrong. I'd either walk away or tell 'em you'll only quote 'em if they have the boards flipped over or boarded over the top, if they refuse to remove the existing ones.
Is it really worth the hassle of your hard work falling down, through no fault of your own, but being expected to sort it after it's gone pear-shaped? Walk away and let some other mug take a wage they'll later wish they hadn't. MakeItSmooth said:.
Am I the only one that thinks the back of the board is brown and the front grey? Cockney1 said:. The front is Ivory white and the back is brown.
Proper bunch of blind chancers on here mate! You must log in or register to reply here. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Reply to Phil L. NT Contact options for registered users.
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Reply to Tim W. S Viemeister Contact options for registered users. Reply to S Viemeister. Reply to geraldthehamster. Idiyh 20 Oct Reattach ceiling plasterboard tape Friday round , 21 Sep , in forum: Decorating and Painting. Replies: 3 Views: Tigercubrider 21 Sep Should I put lining paper onto plasterboard before papering?
Stivino , 8 May , in forum: Decorating and Painting. Replies: 5 Views: Stivino 12 May Staircase skirting edge to plasterboard andyb , 3 Feb , in forum: Decorating and Painting. Replies: 1 Views: Swwils 3 Feb Are these plasterboard cracks in ceiling? FrankieStaff , 25 Jan , in forum: Decorating and Painting. Cracks in plasterboard walls deano37 , 18 Jan , in forum: Decorating and Painting.
Why Not Indeed 18 Jan Plasterboard meets flying lamp Sabatinitennis , 21 Dec , in forum: Decorating and Painting. Re: Plasterboard wrong way round. Best to skrim the joints good. If you intend to wallpaper or paint the board without applying a layer of plaster you should attach it with the white side facing outward. Cover the joints with joint-tape.
This is essential and prevents cracks appearing when you paint or skim the surface of the board. You may be puzzled about the difference between drywall and plasterboard. The short answer is basically just the name. They are the same product just described in various terms, often depending on geographical location.
The origination of plasterboard or drywall is deeply rooted in the history of plaster. If you want to get the cost, just multiply the total number of sheets by the price per sheet.
In general terms for partitions, screws are located at mm centres mm centres at external angles. For ceiling systems, the screws are located at mm centres within the field of the board and mm centres at board ends.
If you hang drywall backwards, the rougher backing material will be visible through paint. Also, drywall has beveled edges that ease the process of drywall finishing.