Unemployment nh how much can i collect

We are requiring the individual to self attest to the particular reason why they are out right now and unable to work. And we are reviewing each of those as they come in.

And the employers have been really good about returning that information as quickly as possible. We've been able to get payments out the door because of that process quicker than we had originally hoped But I don't think right now, with the extent of this crisis, and the importance of getting these dollars out as quickly as possible, not only for the individuals, but New Hampshire's economy in general, to be able to weather this crisis, that we have to be careful in what processes we create, that we don't create roadblocks for getting these critical dollars out.

If you have not filed that yet, we'd be working with you on your numbers as a substitute for those. That's not a New Hampshire restriction. That is a federal restriction and guidance that we have received from the U. Department of Labor. What if I was laid off before the changes in unemployment qualifications, but I am still unable to find a job? It will be in your that single check. It will not be in a second check or be in that same direct deposit.

If I was already filing for unemployment, do I need to reapply under the new requirements? So all [a person] needs to do is continue to file is [their] weekly claims. And you're always claiming for that prior week of unemployment.

What if an employee is simply uncomfortable going to work right now, but the company they work for is still open? If employee is scared of catching the virus and wants to stay home, is that person eligible for unemployment right now? So right now, that individual is able to file. And if he's able to certify as to that reason for not being employed, he would be found eligible. But that could change with the guidance that comes out from the U. What if I tried to go back to work after a period of leave such as family or medical leave before the pandemic started, and now my employer won't hire me back?

We look at how much they've paid in taxes, how much we've paid out in benefits to their former employees, and then that provides them with a rate at which they pay. Right now, none of those benefits are being charged against their account. So there's no negative impact on an employer's account.

If you do not log back on within 24 hours, the incomplete application will be deleted. This may cause your session to be terminated. Near the end of the claim application process, you will have the opportunity to view a complete summary of the information you have entered and return to any page to make corrections at that time.

Your claim for benefits becomes effective the calendar week in which you complete the application. The only exception is if you work less than full-time and file your application within 3 days of your last day of work. If you have worked full time during a calendar week, do not open your claim during that same calendar week. You must be partially or totally unemployed to file for benefits. It may be to your advantage to open your claim immediately, or to wait and open your claim after your separation pay has been exhausted.

After your initial claim is completed, it is immediately transmitted to the Benefit Adjudication Unit for processing. Your monetary eligibility is determined and a Determination of Unemployment Compensation mailed that detail your potential WBA weekly benefit amount. This document is not a guarantee of payment. If there are questions on non-monetary eligibility conditions, you may be contacted for additional information.

If you are unemployed for any reason other than lack of work, more time may be needed to process your claim. If you are found eligible, checks will be issued for any timely weeks filed at the same time the final non-monetary eligibility determinations are made. Remember to file for weekly benefits also known as continued claims according to the instructions provided. You will only receive payment for continued claims that are filed timely. Toggle navigation.

Benefits By State. DataView TM. Caregiver Support. Income Requirements. Does Medicaid Cover Prescriptions? Unemployment vs. Paycheck Protection Program. When to Apply for Section 8. Food Stamps for Seniors and Disabled Individuals. In New Hampshire, unemployment insurance benefits are administered by New Hampshire Employment Security NHES , which provides temporary benefits for employees who are either partially or fully unemployed and meet all other requirements.

All funding for unemployment insurance benefits are paid by employers. You can submit claims online through the Workforce Connect portal. New Hampshire also offers in-person assistance at NHWorks local offices between 8 a.

This document will provide you information on your potential weekly benefit amount and the details about the employment used to establish your claim. You may receive subsequent letters regarding some eligibility conditions, and NHES could request additional information to ensure you meet eligibility conditions. Once approved, your claim will be active for one week period, also called your Benefit Year.

You may collect up to 26 weeks of unemployment insurance benefits during that time frame plus additional time allowed under federal guidelines. If you do not file continued claims each week in a timely manner, then you will not be paid any benefits. You can log on and file weekly claims through Workforce Connect.

To be eligible for unemployment insurance benefits in New Hampshire, you must meet all requirements as set forth by NHES:. You have the right to file an unemployment claim at any time but must meet all eligibility requirements to receive payment. Some of the reasons why you could be denied benefits include the following:.

If you or your employer disagrees with the results of the determination or decision, an appeal can be filed. A deadline for filing the appeal is listed in the appeal rights. Your appeal must be in writing. It must list what you are appealing and why you disagree with the decision.

If you file the appeal beyond the deadline, include the reason you are filing late. This person helps claimants with unemployment claim problems, answers questions, and gives advice about making the best case for a redetermination or for an appeal hearing.

Under special circumstances, the Claims Representative may accompany you in the appeal hearing. The Claims Representative may also review Department determinations to make sure that benefits have been properly processed according to law and rule. The Claims Representative is not a lawyer, and if you want legal advice or representation, you should contact an attorney or NH Legal Assistance.

The amount of your unemployment insurance benefits are based on how much you earned in the months prior to your first claim. NHES establishes a Base Period, which is the four-quarter period prior to when you filed your first claim. Your benefits are based on wages earned during that Base Period.

If you do not qualify for benefits based on Base Period wages, then NHES will look at wages earned during an Alternate Base Period which uses the last four completed quarters before the effective date of your first claim. Your monetary eligibility is determined and a Determination of Unemployment Compensation mailed that details your potential weekly benefit amount. If you are found eligible, checks will be issued for any timely weeks filed at the same time the final non-monetary eligibility determinations are made.

You will only receive payment for continued claims that are filed timely. When a work search requirement is in effect, you are required to be available and actively seeking a new job. NHES does not require you to complete a specified number of job seeking activities in a particular week, but you will be expected to provide proof that you engaged in job seeking activities by keeping an accurate log of your efforts.

The JMS allows job seekers to view jobs posted by employers and match skills to positions posted on national job boards and private industry websites. Job seekers can also explore the regional labor market for information such as the average weekly earnings for a position or the fastest growing occupations. NHES has offices across the state. Each office has a resource center that assists job seekers with a wide range of services, tools and resources:.

However, if you live in another state, but you are still within 25 miles of a New Hampshire Local Office, you are still required to register with JMS. Failure to attend a mandatory workshop or program that you have been scheduled for may result in delayed or denied benefits. This one-hour session is mandatory for all applicants who do not have a date to return to work within two weeks of becoming unemployed.

Reemployment Workshops are designed to assist you in your work search efforts.


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