What is the difference between blu ray and mkv
Before it burns the file to Blu Ray, the file will undergo a media format conversion into a file format that is compatible with Blu Ray video. Not all disc drives can burn Blu Rays, even if you have software that supports it.
Once you have both the drive and the software needed, you should also take precautions to make sure that when you convert MKV to Blu Ray there are no mistakes or errors. Burning a disc, especially a high-definition disc, is very taxing for a computer. It is best to close all non-essential programs and not use your computer at all when burning a video file to disc. This also frees up additional system resources, allowing the disc to burn faster than it would if you were using your computer during the burn.
Originally Posted by netmask All MakeMkv does is copy the existing video and audio streams to a. So no quality loss or change at all.
It's really the best archiving solution if you have the drive space and don't want to take the trouble to learn how to properly use an encoder, which is very complex. Last edited by jackymalvirro; 21st Oct at Replies: 6 Last Post: 14th Apr , Replies: 14 Last Post: 12th Aug , By zaerdy in forum Video Conversion.
Replies: 4 Last Post: 8th Dec , Replies: 13 Last Post: 20th Oct , By xxevilxp3nrxx in forum Video Conversion. Replies: 13 Last Post: 13th Aug , Contact Us VideoHelp Top. All times are GMT The time now is I have some movies that I The audio is incredible too. In other words you're to cheap to legally buy movies, so you'll settle for lower quality because it's free.
Prices on Blu-ray players and movies have dropped quite a bit since they first came out. The quality is great too. You definitely get what you pay for. That's not it at all. I just don't buy into all the marketing BS that they have been pushing with Blu-ray.
Haha, that gave me a chuckle : Well you might be able to notice difference in picture quality on screens bigger than 40 inches. I know that some people might argue with me but I can notice a clear difference in picture quality even on my bedroom 32 inch Samsung p TV comparing to my other LG 32 inch p screen Video bitrate is much higher on the source. Your MKVs are compressed, and quite often cropped. You're taking an uncompressed file, which is usually anywhere around high teens up to around 40GB per film, and compressing it to say between GB for most p encodes.
Iron man was around 35GB just for the Video. But never HD audio. If you want to say you don't notice a difference yourself , fine, but do not run around saying their is no difference because there most certainly is. Search In. MKV vs Blu-ray. Share More sharing options Followers 0.
Prev 1 2 3 Next Page 1 of 3. Recommended Posts. Posted January 13, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Posted January 13, edited. Blu-Ray does ues the same compression, it's H. Koto Posted January 13, There is absolutely no way you can fit Please, please do some research next time before posting.