What is the difference between eb and euc

Reopen a claim. File a Weekly or Biweekly claim. Check my claim status. View UC payments. Change personal information. In the links immediate above, we report all claimant activity by tier from the inception of the program in July, To be as transparent as possible concerning the use of these funds, we have attempted to show those EUC08 activities that are funded through general revenue due to ARRA. This affects those claimants who begin receiving EUC08 benefits on or after April 1, We report this specific activity below under the heading "ARRA funded program activity".

EUC08 is an emergency federal benefits program that is payable to individuals who 1 have exhausted all rights to regular compensation with respect to a benefit year that ended on or after May 1, ; and 2 have no rights to regular compensation or extended benefits EB ; and 3 are not receiving compensation under the unemployment compensation law of Canada. To qualify for EUC, individuals must have had a minimum employment of 20 weeks of work, or the equivalent in wages, in their base periods. EUC08 is administered through voluntary agreements between states and the U.

Department of Labor the Department. You must have had a regular UC claim with a benefit year that ended on or after May 1, , OR you had a regular UC claim on which you received the maximum amount of benefits. You may be eligible to resume claiming Trade Readjustment Allowances if you received these benefits prior to receiving EUC. You must also meet eligibility requirements. If your benefit year has ended, you may be eligible to open a new UC claim.

To do so, please visit the UC home page at www. Unless Congress and state governments act quickly, millions of unemployed people will be abruptly left with no income support and millions of others will face an imminent expiration of benefits.

Extending our prior work , we look at a snapshot of UI claims data released on December 3 by the Department of Labor to determine the different ways in which workers would lose unemployment compensation in the coming weeks. We find that absent Congressional and state government action the situation will be dire at the end of this year:. All told, at the end of December based on a snapshot of claims data , approximately 10 million workers will lose unemployment compensation immediately on December 26 and about 3.

Insofar as many of those unemployed people face such outcomes because EB has triggered off or is expected to trigger off soon, state governments can take action to prevent the loss of benefits by changing the economic measure that determines whether EB triggers off.

State governments have some latitude to extend EB. In addition to that mandatory trigger, states may adopt an optional trigger based on its IUR: EB can trigger on it those states where the IUR is above 6 percent without a lookback requirement. The second optional measure is based on the state-wide unemployment rate the total unemployment rate or TUR ; states that adopt this optional trigger allow EB to turn on when the TUR is above 6. Figure 1 is a data interactive that shows the week average IURs for states the mandatory EB trigger.

The dotted line is at the 5 percent line the mandatory EB trigger threshold. The interactive shows whether states have EB triggered on, including for those states that adopted the TUR trigger, as of November In every state except for South Dakota, EB was triggered on for some part of Click on a line or enter a state name into the search bar to highlight week IUR rates by state.

The color of the line for each state reflects whether and how EB is triggered as of November 29 according to the Department of Labor:. This reflects not only differential industrial and demographic mixes between states that make IURs higher, but also state policy regimes that make it more difficult to receive UI and stay on UI. That is, state policy can depress IURs deliberately and mechanically.

Counterintuitively, poor economic conditions in a state eventually depress IURs, leading to a triggering off of EB in states. More surprisingly, when beneficiaries stay unemployed but transfer out of regular UI and into the EB system or onto a different emergency extension such as PEUC , they are also no longer counted in the IUR calculation.


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