What is the difference between polyrhythm and polymeter
Diminution is when a musical idea is repeated with the note values halved - so the notes are shorter. Augmentation is when a musical idea is repeated but with the note values doubled, which doubles the length of the idea. Offbeats are the weaker beats of the bar. Offbeats are often used in reggae music:.
An upbeat is when a musical phrase starts just before the bar line. This is also known as an anacrusis. What is compound meter? A compound meter tells a musician that the beats will be divided into 3s or each beat of the measure divides naturally into three equal parts. What is additive meter? Additive meter. Definition and background: Patterns of beats that subdivide into smaller, irregular groups e. What are the 4 types of rhythm? We can use five types of rhythm: Random Rhythm. Regular Rhythm.
Alternating Rhythm. Flowing Rhythm. Progressive Rhythm. How do you practice rhythm? In the meantime, here are the rhythm exercises that I recommend to my own students. Record Yourself. Start simply.
March to a Pulse. This rhythm exercise might be the most fun — all you need to do is perform something physical to a pulse.
The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Polymeter vs Polyrhythm Ask Question. Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. Active 8 months ago. Viewed 64k times. PS: I'm a drummer. Improve this question. American Luke 7, 8 8 gold badges 42 42 silver badges 89 89 bronze badges. Anish Ramaswamy Anish Ramaswamy 1 1 gold badge 4 4 silver badges 6 6 bronze badges.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Brian Towers 4, 3 3 gold badges 12 12 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges. Chipsgoumerde Chipsgoumerde 1, 12 12 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. Are you sure about Carol of the Bells? Sounds to me like it's just regular old 3 all the way through.
Just listened to Carol of the Bells who was she? So, compound duple. It's not a duple. You would hear dotted quarters all over the place if it were in 2.
Here it is most definitely a triple. I've heard the version Tim's talking about. It also has a weird modulation to major that I haven't figured out. Can't remember the artist's name either.