What kind of poster should i get
One of the staple posters in popular culture over the recent decades. Movie studios started to use these poster types when they realized that giving a glimpse of their film was a cheap way to advertise to the public. Originally and until the dominance of digital media. Movie posters used colorful illustrations and often cartoonish images to engage the viewer. At the time of the first illustrated movie posters, media was not yet as widespread as it is now.
So designers had to find a way to hook the viewer with just one image. Notice that the designer is able to place emphasis on the important details that would make a viewer want to go see this movie. Whereas today, movie posters are primarily photos, special effects and, often, slogans. And are already relying on the power that TV and other media advertising has planted in viewers minds already. These posters are usually simple images like mountaintops or a person running with a thick black border.
And a simple motivational message under the image. Posters are useful to promote any kind of event or public meeting. Some events have become more famous for their posters than for the event itself. Some of the most famous types of event posters are the fight posters from the golden age of boxing which advertised bouts. Original posters from important or historical matches can fetch money at auction houses because they were often one of the only forms of advertising.
The poster above was a poster that was printing and hung in Zaire. Concert posters have also gained notable popularity through the years because of the tomtom-designs. And have become collectors items over time. Old concert posters like the Jefferson Airplane poster above are sometimes rare finds because a lot of these posters were created for memorable and often one time only concerts.
If you have some old posters from famous shows laying around in your attic, you might have a collectors item. These are posters that advertise or encourage viewers to travel to different destinations. If you want to veer away from a modern style, then choose a rustic finish or stained wood frame to achieve a "farmhouse style" or even "boho" look.
See photo examples below. Need specific frame suggestions? The Architect Frame from Frame USA as seen in most WindowShopGal photos is my go-to choice for both modern and rustic decor - you can find this affordable option in black and many wood finish variations. I do not receive any incentive from recommending their frame - I just like them, and they're budget-friendly to boot!
Another rustic wood option with a slightly thicker border is the Calenzana Frame from Amazon as seen above in the dreamy Instagram photos above. Please let me know in the comments section below if you have any questions or want any additional styling advice for your WindowShopGal prints! Also, if you've already styled your posters, please tag me WindowShopGal on Instagram! Vintage Style Pop Culture Posters.
Close Menu. When choosing your art prints, size matters a lot. Leave a comment Name. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published. What are you looking for? Your cart You don't have any items in your cart. I don't have a set bed time.
After everyone else is asleep. As early as possible. Usually between 1 and a. Whenever all my shows are over. How many close friends do you have? More than I can count. What's your favorite food? Fresh fruit. Whatever is in front of me.
Protein shake. Chips and Salsa. Ice cream. Indian food. What kind of study habits do you have? I study for two hours every morning and then study between 4 and 10 p. I cram the night before. I like to study at the beach or on a park bench. I haven't really figured out how to study yet.
I work best in study groups. What's your dream vacation? Renting a beach house with all my friends. A musical tour of Europe. Camping out in the desert. Going home to be pampered by my parents. Quiet time on a tropical island.
Seeing the sights in a big city. Following my favorite band around its tour. What do your roommates think of you? That I am super sweet. That I'm loud. That I'm inspiring. That I'm a neat freak.