When was oracle released

But what happens after the Waived Extended Support period ends? Oracle 19c is the release which will offer longer support periods and its extension. For more details on Oracle 19c support periods, please read also: Premier Support Extension for Oracle 19c Dec 14, To which release should you upgrade to? Where do these large trace files come from in Oracle 12c? October 16, at Dietrich says:. Laurent Schneider says:. October 24, at Tony Vallis says:.

Ralf Boernemeier says:. October 17, at Ilmar Kerm says:. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. At the Oracle Clusterware installer "Specify Network Interface Usage" screen, choose only one bonded interface as public. When configuring public networks with srvctl add nodeapps or srvctl add vip , specify only a single network interface name in the -A or -S argument.

Creating pre When using a cluster file system as storage, you see the following message:. Workaround: Apply the patch for this bug in pre This patch is needed for No patch is needed for release Oracle resources for Workaround: Apply the patches for Bugs , , , , and to the Oracle Database home.

Database links imported from an Any attempt to use a database link will cause the following ORA error:. Workaround: The database links that are imported need to be re-created before they can be used. If a transportable dumpfile produced in release If a dumpfile produced prior to release Workaround: Make sure the timezone tables for the import and export databases are the same.

Current implementation of node-specific network interfaces requires complete definition of all networks used by Oracle RAC for that node that is, either node abides by global network configuration or it defines its own node-specific network configuration. As a corollary, once the first node-specific network interface is defined for a given node, Oracle RAC will not consider any configured global network interfaces that are already configured and may have applied for the same node.

While this is correct, it presents a problem. If the cluster had a working global network configuration, the moment a user updates it using oifcfg to define a node-specific public interface, a global configuration will not be considered for this node, and it will have only one newly-defined public interface. Any cluster interconnects that existed in the global network configuration, and may still resolve fine for this node, will not be considered valid.

Thus, the node loses cluster interconnects and PCW stack goes down on that node. Workaround: If the node belongs to a global cluster network configuration, then if there is an intent to make network configuration node-specific, the first defined node-specific interface must be cluster interconnect, so that node never loses interconnect with other cluster nodes. Then, other node-specific interfaces can be defined as necessary.

The asmgidwrap script needs to be called if you are creating a database manually on Oracle ASM to avoid a permission error. If you choose to create a database manually, the script needs to be called explicitly so the proper group can be set to avoid a permission error. When using Workaround: You can ignore the message. Click OK to continue. When configuring a database on a cluster that has multiple public subnets defined for its VIPs for example, using a command similar to srvctl add vip -k 2 -A Database upgrade from release Workaround: Run the upgrade in a locale that uses the period.

After the upgrade, switch to your preferred locale. If a user creates a performance class with two or more services in its classifier s and these services are not all specified to run in the same server pool, the metrics graphs for that performance class on the Enterprise Manager Quality of Service QoS Management Performance Class details page are incorrect.

The other graphs will correctly display metrics for all server pools. Workaround: This bug will not affect the correct management or recommended actions associated with this type of performance class.

Only those "slices" that host databases are considered as donors for the target slice. Workaround: Make sure the sum of CPU counts configured for each database instance on each server is the same as the number of physical CPUs. If an Oracle Clusterware-managed database service is in a stopped but not disabled state, it will be started by Oracle Database QoS Management if the server hosting that service is not detected to be in a memory overcommitted state. If memory is overcommitted, then all enabled services will be stopped even if they were manually started.

The desired behavior is to only start services on the transition from a memory overcommitted state red to a normal state green. If a service is manually started when the server is in the red state, that service should not be shut down. Workaround: Stop and disable services that you want to remain in the stopped state or disable QoS Management from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.

Database Vault policy cannot be managed in Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control because the following message is displayed in Database Vault Administration page:. If you do not want to grant the EM Administrator privilege to the Database Vault administrator, then use the Database Vault Administrator page directly. Workaround: The emctl command needs to be run from an Oracle Database home. Do not invoke this command from the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster home. If Database Control is running in an IPv6 environment, then you cannot use it to monitor Exadata cells and you should not add Exadata cells as targets.

Workaround: Do one of the following as a workaround:. Importing an materialized view-enabled cube or cube dimension whose source table is not part of the target schema fails with an Object not found error. Workaround: Disable materialized views for the failing object prior to the import, then reenable them when the source tables are present. After converting from an administrator-managed database to a policy-managed database, you may need to update the database password file.

Workaround: To update the database password file, run the following steps:. This is caused by NFS caching blocks from the file in memory as it is read. Enable fix control for this bug and set it to ON with the following command:. The syntax is:.

You should also review Section 3. Secure Shell SSH setup code is changing the user's home directory permission to only on the current or local node. Cloning of an Oracle home that was added with Oracle Database Client or Oracle Database Examples software results in a database creation failure.

If the central inventory location is different on different nodes of a cluster, addnode. Workaround: Adding nodes to a cluster requires the central inventory location to be the same on all the nodes of the cluster.

Please ensure that this is the case prior to running addnode. A file system supporting Access Control Lists ACL should not be used for staging Oracle software as this may cause an error when copying the files from the staging area to a temporary directory which does not support Access Control Lists. ACL permissions cannot be preserved while copying the files and this causes the copy to fail. After installing Oracle RAC, you might see the following error message in the installation log files:.

Workaround: None. This error message can be ignored. Workaround: You have to manually take care of the following tasks and complete the upgrade:. The Secure Shell SSH setup process returns a success message even if it is not able to copy the required authentication files to the remote boxes.

Some of the default locations mentioned for binaries in platform-specific properties files are not correct. Workaround: Take the following steps to correct either of the issues previously mentioned:. When upgrading to Oracle ASM upgrade is handled in rolling fashion when upgrading from Workaround: You can plan your database outage to be the point where you acknowledge the Installer prompt after executing root. Workaround: Use Oracle Universal Installer on the respective If you select the database configuration Desktop Class in Oracle Universal Installer OUI , listener and database control are configured with 'localhost' as the host name.

After adding a new node to a shared Oracle database home using addNode. Oracle Wallet Manager fails to upload wallet to Directory service when the wallet password and the directory user password are different. Workaround: Use the same password for the wallet and the directory user. Workaround: Use the Oracle Data Pump conventional path to move data. When using oracle. Workaround: Either do not use Java stored procedures.

Therefore, load balancing by round-robin DNS is not possible. If you remove these files, then Oracle software can encounter intermittent hangs.

Restart the database. Retry the upgrade using DBUA. Detach the pre The following message is reported in the alert log: Rolling upgrade from Prior to performing an upgrade Oracle recommends that the DMSYS schema, and its associated objects be removed from the database.

Refer to the Oracle Data Mining Administration Guide for the instructions on how to perform this task. Until this step is taken, Data Pump Export will not work. If this occurs, take the following steps: Ensure that all file system activity to Oracle ACFS mount points is quiesced by shutting down programs or processes and retry the shutdown.

See Also: Doc ID In addition, note the following: Tables created prior to Once one of these thresholds is reached, a new audit file with an incremented sequence number is opened for further audit records. Customers with existing Oracle Text indexes that use the file or URL datastore must take action to continue to use the indexes without error. The changes are as follows:. By default, users who were previously able to create indexes of this type will not be able to create these indexes after the change.

This installation is referred to as the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installation. Starting with Oracle Database 10g release 1 The specified offset is not on a character boundary if it points to the low second surrogate of a surrogate pair.

In such situations, error ORA occurs and the data is not written. Thus, this prevents the corruption of the character in the target LOB. Use of direct-path INSERT to load a large number of partitions can exceed memory limits, especially when data compression is specified reference Bug Starting in Rows that are not stored in the partitions that are currently being loaded are saved in the temporary tablespace.

After all rows are loaded for the current set of partitions, other partitions are loaded from rows that are saved in the temporary tablespace. With Oracle Database 11g release 2 This restriction applies to all platforms and operating systems reference Bug Non-uniform memory access optimizations and support in the Oracle Database are only available for specific combinations of Oracle version, operating systems, and platforms.

Work with Oracle Support Services and your hardware vendor to enable non-uniform memory access support. In Oracle ACFS is the preferred file manager for non-database files. It is optimized for general purpose files. The following sections describe information for Database Control in Oracle Database 11g Release 2 The database can be adversely affected if metadata changes occur between the time the reorganization script is generated and the time it is completed.

The database can be adversely affected if an offline reorganization is attempted while DDL is in progress against the tables being reorganized. Oracle Enterprise Manager only supports having one browser window open for editing an object. For example, Oracle Enterprise Manager only supports editing one tablespace at a time.

However, certain Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control functionality for example, Change Manager may require higher memory settings if the database contains a large number of objects. Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control must be restarted for the new settings to take effect. The connections between the ONS server in the database tier and the notification client in the mid-tier are usually not authenticated.

It is possible to configure and use SSL certificates to setup the authentication but the steps are not clearly documented. Update the ONS configuration file on all nodes in the database tier to specify the location of the wallet created in Step Add the walletfile parameter to the ons. If you are running a client-side ONS daemon on the mid-tier, there are two possible configurations:.

ONS started standalone like using onsctl , which uses ons. This involves modifying the opmn. The client-side ONS daemon can potentially run of different machines. Copy the wallet created in Step 1 to those client-side machines and specify the path on that client-side machine in the ons. Alternatively, you can specify the following string as the setONSConfiguration argument:.

The Java properties file should contain one or more of the ONS Java properties listed below, but at least the oracle. The values for these Java properties would be similar to those specified in the "Remote ONS Subscription" subsection previously noted in this step:. When recovering a database with encrypted tablespaces for example, after a SHUTDOWN ABORT or a catastrophic error that brings down the database instance , you must open the wallet after database mount and before database open so the recovery process can decrypt data blocks and redo.

Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Starting with Oracle Database 11g release 1 Your applications will continue to work until formal desupport in a future release at which time a desupport notice will be posted. As an alternative to Oracle Net, Oracle Database Web services provides nonconnected access to the database through standard Web services mechanisms. Similarly, the database itself can act as a Web service consumer and run external Web services.

Important features of Web services include:. For environments that consist of a single server, Oracle offers Oracle Secure Backup Express to back up your Oracle Database and other critical Oracle infrastructure to tape. For larger environments, Oracle Secure Backup is available as a separately licensable product to back up many database servers and file systems to tape.

Oracle Secure Backup release For more information on Oracle Secure Backup, refer to. All messages and documentation are in English. Note that this restriction affects file names, not backup contents.

Oracle Secure Backup can back up Oracle databases in any character set. Oracle Application Express is released more frequently than Oracle Database. To view additional information about the most current release, refer to:.

By default, an Oracle Database 11g database will already have the parameter set properly, but a database upgraded to 11g from a prior version may not. Refer to the section titled "Creating and Configuring an Oracle Database" in the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about changing database initialization parameters.

Oracle Client 11g contains advanced features for diagnosing issues, including the ability to dump diagnostic information when important errors are detected. By default, these dumps are restricted to a small subset of available information to ensure that application data is not dumped.

However, in many installations, secure locations for dump files may be configured, ensuring the privacy of such logs. In such cases, it is recommended that you turn on full dumps; this can greatly speed the resolution of issues.

Enable full dumps by adding the following line to the sqlnet. Check the file sqlnet. If you are denied access to cron , then the configuration of Oracle Configuration Manager fails with the following error:. Oracle Data Mining scoring functions in Oracle Database 11g release 2 Scoring capabilities in the storage layer permit very large data sets to be mined quickly, thus further increasing the competitive advantage already gained from Oracle in-database analytics.

The Data Mining Option, as an embedded feature of the database, is automatically installed with the Oracle Enterprise Edition Database. When installing the database with the Data Mining Option, choose the Data Warehouse configuration type for the most appropriate default initialization parameters.

Additional privileges are required for other data mining activities, as described in the Oracle Data Mining Administrator's Guide. New data dictionary views for Oracle Data Mining were introduced in Oracle Database 11g release 1 The following information is included because Oracle Network functionality may use Oracle Internet Directory. The parameters mode and contextdn can also be passed as a properties file. Either the nonsslport or the sslport parameter must be specified, but not both.

To upgrade an OracleContext instance, use the following syntax; the parameters are listed in the subsequent table. The contextdn must contain an OracleContext for this operation to be successful. Note that OracleContext instances that belong to a realm cannot be upgraded. To delete an OracleContext , use the following syntax; the parameters are listed in the subsequent table. Note that OracleContext instances that belong to a realm cannot be deleted.

To configure the file ldap. The parameters mode , dirtype , and adminctx can also be passed in within a properties file. If ldap. Oracle Database 10g entries must be stored in Oracle Internet Directory release 9.

An Identity Management Realm release 9. The parameters are listed in the subsequent table. Note that the root of the OracleContext object is not converted. The OracleContext must exist under the specified contextdn.

The parameters mode and contextdn can also be passed in a properties file. If it does, then it exits with an appropriate error message. If the nickname attribute is not cn , then configure it as a user configuration attribute using the Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console. If you want to use the Oracle Internet Directory Self-Service Console to manage the users and groups in the converted realm, then you must set up the administrative privileges appropriately.

References to Oracle inter Media were replaced with Oracle Multimedia, however some references to Oracle inter Media or inter Media may still appear in graphical user interfaces, code examples, and related documents in the Oracle Database documentation library for 11g release 2 Run the following commands, as the root user, to set ownership and permissions of the oradism executable:. Create a symbolic link from the NFS shared home to the local oradism directory path.

This needs to be done from one node only. Each node can then reference its own oradism using the symlink from the shared Oracle home. If the Oracle home is an Oracle Database home directory, then repeat steps for other binaries such as extjob , jssu , nmb , nmhs and nmo.

You do not need to perform this step if the Oracle home is an Oracle Grid Infrastructure home directory. Create an initial, user-defined server pool immediately after the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installation if you plan to use a policy-managed Oracle RAC database.

If you are creating an administrator-managed database on a cluster that already hosts policy-managed databases, then you must carefully select the nodes for the administrator-managed database reference Bug This is because the nodes that you select for an administrator-managed database that are in policy-managed server pools will be moved into the Generic server pool as part of this process.

If you select nodes that already run other policy-managed database instances, then DBCA prompts you with a message that lists the instances and services that will be shut down when DBCA creates the administrator-managed database.

Note: This is also true if you use the srvctl add instance command, which gives a similar error message indicating that the databases would be shut down. If you also use the force option -f with the srvctl add instance command, then this is the same as choosing Yes on the DBCA dialog. Doing this shuts down any policy-managed databases that are running on the node before moving the node into the Generic server pool. When adding a node in a cluster running a policy-managed database, Oracle Clusterware tries to start the new instance before the cloning procedure completes.

The following steps should be used to add the node:. Run addNode for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster to add the new node. Do not run the root scripts when prompted; you will run them later. Install the Oracle RAC database software using a software-only installation.

Complete the root scripts action for the Oracle Clusterware home and then finish the installation. Avoid changing host names after you complete the Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster installation. Nodes with changed host names must be deleted from the cluster and added back with the new name. When attempting to shut down Oracle Clusterware, the Oracle Clusterware stack may report that it did not successfully stop on selected nodes reference Bug Alternatively, the Oracle Clusterware stack may report that it did not successfully stop on selected nodes due to the inability to shut down the Oracle ACFS resources.

If this occurs, take the following steps:. Ensure that all file system activity to Oracle ACFS mount points is quiesced by shutting down programs or processes and retry the shutdown. If the ora. The most common cause of this is a network failure. The commands acfsutil registry and ocrcheck may give you a better indicator of the specific error.

Clear this error and attempt to stop Oracle Clusterware again. Cube materialized views are cubes that have been enhanced to use the automatic refresh and query rewrite features of Oracle Database. A single cube materialized view can replace many of the relational materialized views of summaries on a fact table, providing uniform response time to all summary data. The cube stores the data for a cube materialized view, instead of the table that stores the data for a relational materialized view.

A cube can also support a wide range of analytic functions that enhance the database with information-rich content. When installing the database with the OLAP Option, choose the Data Warehouse configuration type for the most appropriate default initialization parameters. Analytic Workspace Manager An Oracle Database 10g format analytic workspace may be created by choosing the Oracle Database 10g cube type when creating a new analytic workspace.

They cannot be used with 11g format analytic workspaces. For more information, refer to My Oracle Support, Note The Oracle Spatial readme file is located at:. Note the following items when working with Oracle Text. This is correct; however, the values stored in this column must be in the range The values must be stored in an unsigned bit value.

This range also pertains to catid , catdocid , and rescatid. An Oracle Text knowledge base is a hierarchical tree of concepts used for theme indexing, ABOUT queries, and deriving themes for document services. The following Oracle Text services require that a knowledge base be installed:.

If you plan to use any of these Oracle Text features, then you should install the supplied knowledge bases, English and French, from the Oracle Database Examples media, available for download on OTN. Note that you can extend the supplied knowledge bases, or create your own knowledge bases, possibly in languages other than English and French. For more information about creating and extending knowledge bases, refer to the Oracle Text Reference.

Aborting these will still provide a useful workload replay. Database Replay timeout functionality provides the ability to control how long a long running or runaway replay call will take.

Without this functionality, a replay call may take a long time or hang depending on the situation. Database Replay Workload Analyzer is a tool that analyzes a captured workload and provides an assessment of how reliably it can be replayed. It highlights any potential problems that might be encountered during replay by outlining the parts that cannot be replayed accurately due to insufficient data, errors during capture, and usage of features that are unsupported by Database Replay.

This feature tells you, at the time of capture, whether the specific workload captured is something that can be relied upon for future testing. This feature allows the installer to download mandatory patches for itself as well as for the base product at installation time so that they do not need to be applied later.

It also helps resolve installation issues at the middle of a release without either recutting the media or deferring the bug fix to a later release. Currently, when there is a bug in the base installation, you have to wait until the next release before it can be fixed.

This feature helps resolve installation issues at the middle of a release without either recutting the media or deferring the bug fix to a later release. The feature also applies mandatory patches for the base product, thereby creating more certified installations out-of-box. Oracle Database Installation Guide for Linux for details. Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster 11 g Release 2 supports out-of-place upgrades. The graphical user interface GUI provides a simple interactive method for upgrading environments to this new release.

To allow scripting, the assistant also provides an on-interactive method silent mode, which addresses various deployment scenarios used by customers. Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for details. The migration period can be customized up to 12 hours. You can now move a database for workload balancing as well as for performing planned maintenance on the server, on the operating system, or when applying patches to the Oracle software in a rolling fashion.

Oracle Clusterware Administration and Deployment Guide for details. To increase the manageability of XStream, new process parameters are added to provide capabilities such as process memory control, changes to sequences, and the ability to exclude changes performed by specific users or transactions.

These enhancements give the XStream user more control over and visibility into XStream processing. Oracle Streams Concepts and Administration for details. This wizard assists the administrator with completing the cluster configuration independently of the software installation. The configuration wizard provides an easy-to-use interface to configure the cluster independently of the software installation.

Post-installation configuration of the software at the customer site is a standing requirement. Customers that need to be able to mass deploy Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster or that need to support remote installations benefit from this feature. The dedicated network connection, called interconnect, is crucial for the communication in the cluster. Using redundant network connections for load balancing and for failure protection is recommended.

While in previous releases, technologies like bonding or trunking had to be used to make use of redundant networks for the interconnect, Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster and Oracle RAC now provide a native way of using redundant network interfaces in order to ensure optimal communication in the cluster. Using redundant interconnects optimizes the stability, reliability, and scalability of an Oracle RAC cluster. This package also provides the opposite functionality to materialize all segments for empty tables or partitions with deferred segment creation The explicit management of deferred segment creation enables you to take advantage of this functionality at any given point in time, even after table or partition creation.

See Also: Oracle Text Reference for details. Allowing each statement to run with the optimal DOP allows a system to: Perform well overall and avoid large wait times on system resources. Balance overall performance to be much more predictable. Allocate appropriate resources based on policies, not based on user abuse. The components of the result set are: Documents.

A total estimated count of number of matching documents.


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