Find which sda
Hopefully this helps - if you need more than this - reply - someone will join in this discussion. Robin, here's an example of partitioning within one kickstart I have on a system, the partitioning below should be adjusted for your needs, and all partitions certainly are not nessarily needed for your needs. If you do not use lvm, UUIDs or labels, in the unlikely chance one partition becomes unavailable numerous reasons, single drives won't face the example later in this paragraph, but see this Red Hat Link , the partitions can get mixed.
One example, I had a friend in another company who upgraded his firmware and it reordered his drives, and now he uses UUIDs for his systems changed after his system was loaded. This is useful if you change your storage device order in the BIOS, you switch storage device cabling, or because some BIOS's may occasionally change the order of storage devices.
Lastly, see the tips at this Red Hat Summit pdf on kickstarts, especially page 36 where it speaks about protecting your SAN during kickstart. Another thing to investigate is onbiosdisk which I believe was actually developed with Dell.
There is a way to definitively deduce what the value should be, but I would try with 80 and go from there. I have loaded lots of Dells, typically with the PERC, I can go into the raid bios and configure the disk there step-by-step-instructions , even if it a single disk, one must make it a "raid 0" strange.
But once that is done, the disk appears during the anaconda installer as a normal disk. This presents a 'virtual disk' that the OS recognizes Dxr13b Dxr13b 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges.
Likely duplicate perhaps even the canonical question : Which hard disk drive is which? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Same here. It is possible for secondary and external hard drives to be named sda — Devon. Yes, these are probably laptops with internal nvme SSD drives. Those weren't very common when this answer was written, they have become much more common now.
Gabb3 Gabb3 4 4 bronze badges. Kyle H Kyle H 1, 6 6 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. They have some partitions for example, sda has sda1, sda3. I want to detach sdb and sdc temporarily for OS upgrade. How exactly can I tell which disk is which?
I remember SCSI connectors didn't have any order.. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Andreas Bombe Andreas Bombe 2, 11 11 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. I do som disk restoring with dd on the devices and later on i do mounting.
I don't quite get your description of what is happening. It was my fault. Because i did this everything inside a program everything was going really quickly and most probably the link was not fully initialized.
When i introduced stat command between everything works fine. Thanks — Gregorek.